Thursday, January 30, 2014


Another way banks ‘make’ money is through the fractional reserve. This is a percentage set by the Fed which determines how much of a deposit banks must hold in ‘reserve.’ Right now the reserve is 10 %. This means that if you deposit $100 in your account, the bank must hold on to $10. It can do what it wants with the remaining $90, like bet it on the stock market, or lend it to someone else at interest.
             Through the factional reserve, money is multiplied. It works like this. Say you deposit $100 in your account and your bank decides to lend $90 to Ann. When she deposits the $90 in her bank, that bank must keep $9, and can lend $81 to Mary.  Now, Mary has $81, Ann has $90, and you have $100. In this manner, your initial deposit can be multiplied ten-fold ($100+$91+72.90 … = $1000).  This is how money is created out of thin air and how banks have become so profitable. 

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